Georgy Kurasov
Georgy Kurasov Artist with Honourable Mr. Alexey Larionov, Senior scientist of the State Hermitage Museum St.Petersburg Russia with Miami Art gallery.
The painter Georgy Kurasov is undoubtedly one such exception. That skill which is so clearly visible in his works, the depth of his knowledge and understanding of the painting of all ages, the irreproachable perfection of his hand and the keenness of his eyes give his artistic experiments particular weight and conviction.
Kurasov is an artist of striking individuality in both his thought patterns and his painting style. Having once made the acquaintance of his art one has no need to be a specialist or a connoisseur in order to recognize further works. Such ready recognisability has always been a sign of inordinate skill and it is even more so today, for over the last hundred years of endless experimentation and all conceivable innovations in the sphere of painted form it sometimes seems as though everything has already been tried and exhausted.
The task of finding a fresh and independent approach seems almost impossible. Kurasov, however, has done the impossible, the best evidence of which is perhaps the difficulty anyone faces in classifying his style, in identifying it with any one of the known painting trends. The range of reminiscences to which his works give rise is truly wide, encompassing everything from Byzantine mosaics and Early Renaissance paintings to Klimt and Lempicka, but such parallels are valid only with regard to individual devices and elements in his pictorial language, beyond which there are no further similarities. As we survey the complex geometrical structure of his compositions we recall now Constructivism, now Cubism, but a closer look reveals immediately that there are far more contrasting features than points of contact.
MIAMI ART GALLERY Artist: Georgy Kurasov
If you would like to purchase the Available Paintings of Georgy Kurasov please contact us
by email – Laura Klassik to
International Art Gallery with an accurate International Art,
Georgy Kurasov 2011-2021

Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
Purchase Price to
Georgy Kurasov
Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved.

Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
Purchase Price to
Georgy Kurasov
Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved.

Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
Purchase Price to
Georgy Kurasov
Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved.

Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
Purchase Price to
Georgy Kurasov
Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved.

Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
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Title: "........................."
Artist: Georgy Kurasov
Sizes: 47"x24" //oil on canvas
Year: 2015 Original Painting
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